Custom course design
We work with our clients to develop custom, tailored training solutions. Whether the need is a modified course length or custom content, feel free to contact us to discuss your needs. Vigr works for you, end of story, we will assist you in reaching your training goals.

school, church, business
safety & security assessments, planning, training
Working in conjunction with our sister company, Keystone School Safety Solutions we can deliver your School, Church or Business safety and security training. Our team will work with you to deliver both hardware and software solutions to empower your group to take an active role in their safety. Everyone considers high-profile threats in their safety planning but our programs allow for a trickle down approach to ready your staff for a wide range of potential threats.

product development
With more than twenty years in the training and firearms industry we are ideally suited to assist you with developing or marketing your product. Having worked all sides of the product development cycle we can assist you in getting your products in front of a variety of customers. Let our experience and connections assist you in putting your product into the hands of professionals, shooters and armed Patriots!