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2-Gun low light

2-days  $500 

Required Equipment:

  • Handgun w/ min. of 3 magazines. If under 10 rounds capacity, minimum 5.  

  • 400 rounds of handgun ammunition

  • Patrol Rifle w/ min. 3 magazines 

  • 400 rounds rifle ammunition

  • WML required on the rifle and encouraged on the handgun

  • Handheld Flashlight w/ spare batteries.  (minimum 500 lumen, 1000+ recommended)

  • (4) Chem Lights or ability to visually mark front and back during low light.

  • Full Duty Gear including body armor

  • Hearing & Clear Eye Protection (electronic hearing pro is preferred)

  • Appropriate Range Attire (We will train in all weather conditions)

  • Note taking materials

  • Snacks & Hydration

  • Knee Pads (optional)


2-Gun Low Light is all about working a duty handgun and patrol rifle through all lighting conditions.  The course will focus on the relevant application of both systems in realistic environments.  The content presented is designed to accurately reflect the situations officers may face in periods of reduced visibility.  Topics covered will include full light to no light firing with both weapons, handheld flashlight use, weapon mounted light use, using light in search mode, vehicle considerations, positive identification, light transitions, and critical incident decision making.


Course Schedule:  TBD Based on time of year and range 

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